In March 2023, we launched the first English promotion of the online training course in the use of the Baby Distress Alarm scale (ADBB), with learners coming from England, Russia and Nepal.
During the training, there was a lot of discussion during the virtual classes with trainer Alexandra Deprez about the subtleties of this scale and how to use it to detect babies who are withdrawing from relationships.
The results of the private certification are incredible: all the learners are certified, including one at expert level and 3 at research level.

The next session in English will start on 30 April 2024. To register, click here.

To find out more, read this article in which participants in the English course talk about : 

Source : The use of the Alarm Distress BaBy Scale (ADBB) within the health visiting provision in England: A feasibility study, 2023/06/19,  IHV (Institute of Health Visiting),